The current state of data education
Dear Data-Traveller, please note that this is a LinkedIn-Remix.
I posted this content already on LinkedIn in September 2022, but I want to make sure it doesn’t get lost in the social network abyss.
For your accessibility-experience and also for our own content backup, we repost the original text here.
Have a look, leave a like if you like it, and join the conversation in the comments if this sparks a thought!
Screenshot with Comments:
Plain Text:
One of the reasons why data people here on LinkedIn:
– always ask the same question
– always point out the same problems
Because they don’t have an answer that satisfies them.
And yes, it’s nice to answer them with:
– there is already a book about it
– we did this already in the 60s
– why don’t you use some [high-level concept place in here]
The real answer is: that we all fail to educate.
Bad Education is always to blame on the ones who have and share the knowledge. When the others don’t get we did not do a great job.
So, let’s get better in education.
For me, this means more hands-on experiences. Something like “Yes, I had this problem too, here is how I worked on it – and because it takes a bit to explain – I did a quick Loom video – let me know if that helps you”.