How to make a data life drastically easier.

Dear Data-Traveller, please note that this is a Linkedin-Remix.

I posted this content already on Linkedin in August 2022, but I want to make sure it doesn’t get lost in the social network abyss.

For your accessibility-experience and also for our own content backup, we repost the original text here.

Have a look, leave a like if you like it, and join the conversation in the comments if this sparks a thought!

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Screenshot of Timo Dechau´s Linkedin post with text about data workflows and task templates

Plain Text:

Some things can make a data life drastically easier.

Featuring today:
– task templates
– workflows

Task templates and workflows can be used with basically any task management tool. Some have a pretty deep integration and possibilities around that. Others might be basic, so you need to create a template task and just copy it.

In Asana for example you can add subtasks based on the stage/section the task is moved to. Great stuff. The ticket tells automatically what to do next.

A template is a great place to develop standards:
– required inputs (and in which shape)
– required outputs
– defined standards (for a dashboard, eg. Permissions, filters used,…)

The best thing is when you do a retro and find that you could had better inputs or define better quality standards -> you simply update your template.

Same goes for the workflow:
– Make sure that it goes beyond: to do, in progress, done
– Add the different stages where assignees usually change
– track the pipeline to learn where things get stuck

Do have any best practices around task templates and workflows. Especially for data? Let us know in the comments.

If you don‘t use a task template – make it an action item in your next team meeting.