Deciding for a tracking and analytics stack should take a bit. It’s an essential part of your setup!

Dear Data-Traveller, please note that this is a Linkedin-Remix.

I posted this content already on Linkedin in March 2022, but I want to make sure it doesn´t get lost in the social network abyss.

For your accessibility-experience and also for our own content backup, we repost the original text here.

Have a look, leave a like if you like it, and join the conversation in the comments if this sparks a thought!

Original Post:

Plain Text:

Everyone now into Google Analytics 4?

Yes, why should we stop now? GA universal will be over next year, so there is no time to lose.

Ok, but we should stop for a moment.

Deciding for a tracking and analytics stack should take a bit. It’s an essential part of your setup, so it should meet your current requirements to some degree (no one can look into the future).

For me, this can be defined around two questions:

1 – What are your current data use cases? Where do you use data at the moment to make decisions? Which teams are using the data? And how often does this happen?

2 – Where do you want to use data for decisions but can’t because things are missing or it is not working?

(ok, a bit more than two questions, but I think you get the idea)

Spent some time with all the different stakeholders around these questions and created a data questions/decisions document, where you collect for what kind of questions you want to use data to add more insights.

This can be things like:
– Where do we lose people in our onboarding sequence?
– Which campaign generates the most leads for us?
– Which campaign generates the best leads for us?
– How does this new feature improve our subscription rate?

Once you have these questions ready, break them down into ingredients. What parts do you need to get data insights for these questions?

>Where do we lose people in our onboarding sequence?
Funnel analysis, Funnel events

>Which campaign generates the most leads for us?
Leads created event, campaign parameters, campaign attribution (simple)

The final list of ingredients is a part of your requirements for a tracking and analytics system.

You can now extend this list with your requirements around:
– server location
– data ownership
– ease of use & speed
– available learning resources (something often underestimated)

And you have your requirements catalog. 

I will also cover this today in my live session. There will be a recording afterward – so join – even when you can’t join live.

The “Help, Google just told me it will ghost me in 2023” event: