How to present your data in a way that you get heard
Dear Data-Traveller, please note that this is a Linkedin-Remix.
I posted this content already on Linkedin in June 2022, but I want to make sure it doesn’t get lost in the social network abyss.
For your accessibility-experience and also for our own content backup, we repost the original text here.
Have a look, leave a like if you like it, and join the conversation in the comments if this sparks a thought!
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Get heard. How to present your data findings?
You spent 2 weeks getting the right data, transform it, and then spent hours to view it from different angles – Crunch it a bit – and finally here they are – 2-3 really good looking insights how your marketing and sales could reach potential clients that convert better in your pipeline.
So what’s next?
A meeting with 20-30 where you present your findings to the marketing and sales team and the directors – 😱 – omg, I can’t sleep for days.
I talked with Friederike about this one or two longer times already. And she showed me how simple it is to change the way to present findings and ideas to non-data teams. And we haven’t been talking about what fancy viz or if we better use bar charts.
Join us on Friday to listen when we talk about how to present your data in a way that you get heard.